Emirates highlights innovative vegan ingredients

Emirates says it continues to expand its portfolio of vegan cuisine by workshopping new dishes made with innovative ingredients.

These include ingredients such as solid egg substitutes made entirely from legumes, curated vegan meals for children and new dishes onboard and in lounges.

Emirates says the airline’s chefs gather in Emirates Flight Catering Concept Development Kitchen to workshop new dishes and experiment with the latest innovative ingredients on the market. One example of this is the chefs trialling the new solid egg substitute in a spicy shakshuka sauce and developing a premade vegan pastry sheet into savoury vegan cannelloni.

Emirates’ vegan options are available to order and pre-order on board and offered in every class. The carrier has an impressive selection of 300+ vegan recipes, served on flights to 140 destinations worldwide.

Plant-based proteins from Beyond Meat in California are part of the menu, as well as soybean protein from UAE and Singapore brand Arlene, pressed tofu sourced from Japan’s Qian Ye for authentic Asian flavours, organic dark vegan chocolate crafted by Linnolat in France, vegan margarine from Meister Marken in Germany, vegan curry paste supplied by Pantai in Thailand and almond milk from Italy’s Koita.

The carrier also recently introduced individual vegan milk servings in Economy and Premium Economy Class, with more than 30,000 customers a month selecting this option for their coffee and tea.

Vegan meals for children include vegan pizza, sweet and sour vegetable casserole, vegetable fajitas, vegan muffins, cauliflower bites with sweet sauce and desserts like strawberry crumble and vegan chocolate pudding.

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