IFPL reading light

IFPL has unveiled a new concept product: an LED reading lamp that offers passengers not just light but also USB power. The cost-effective solution empowers operators to supply in-seat power to every passenger on board.

IFPL says airlines can now enjoy an easy, economical way of providing passengers with a personal light and USB charger, all in one accessible overhead module.

Swapping the existing reading light with the new product takes just minutes according to the company, and no additional wire looms are needed. This module also requires no additional power from the aircraft, instead using the power savings created by replacing an incandescent bulb with an LED.

IFPL Group has merged the IFEC capabilities of IFPL with Cobalt Aerospace’s lighting skills and experience and honed on their award-winning drop-in LED solution, Cobalt Spectrum. Though this patent-pending concept is designed as a retrofit solution for Boeing 737 Next Generation aircraft, IFPL Group says it is keen to adapt the product for other aircraft types.

IFPL Group’s Commercial Director, Gary Girard, said: “As a group, we are keen to utilise the skills and experience of both companies to create products that benefit both passenger and operator. Combining Cobalt Aerospace’s knowledge of LED lighting with the power prowess of the IFPL team has been key to developing this concept. We’re excited to see what visitors to stand 4B20 think!”

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