Schematic of air flow in aircraft cabin using Biotek Shield

PWI has developed a UVC (ultraviolet) light-based pathogen neutralising system for use in fighting airborne contaminants aboard commercial aircraft.

The Biotek Shield UVC Treatment System will be developed by Aero Biotek Inc., a sister company to PWI Inc, and is designed to be installed in the air conditioning system of the aircraft. According to the company, the Biotek Shield operates silently and invisibly throughout the flight. When the aircraft is on the ground, the device will draw power from the aircraft’s auxiliary power unit, when the aircraft is in the air-the device will be powered by the plane’s engines. Biotek Shield creates no waste and only requires maintenance every three-to-five years.

PWI has contracted with a certified lab to test the effectiveness of Biotek Shield on neutralising easily communicable contaminants. Once testing is complete, the lab is expected to certify that the UVC light used in Biotek Shield will neutralise 99.9999% of virus cells, rendering the virus unable to replicate itself or infect humans.

“Only a Log 6 system will neutralise the virus, and that’s what we’re developing in our device. There are other systems available, but they do not have the efficacy that ours will,” said Robi Lorik, President and CEO of PWI. “Other systems use topical wands or foggers that are far less effective and are one-time-only use, without continual sanitisation. Not only is our system the strongest at Log 6 level, but it also continuously cleans the cabin air, whether the plane is on the ground or in the air.”

The device will first be designed to fit the air conditioning system of the Boeing 737, and then expanded to other commercial aircraft.

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