Gogo expects to end 2020 with more business aviation air-to-ground (ATG) subscribers (5,669) than it had when the year began (5,700+).

“We have an incredibly strong and resilient business,” said Sergio Aguirre, Gogo’s Business Aviation President. “This year has been such a difficult challenge, but our rapid recovery proves that in-flight connectivity and entertainment are must-haves for today’s private aviation passengers.”

The company has had a significant increase in new system installations in the third and fourth quarters compared to the second quarter, including a notable increase in AVANCE sales in December versus previous months. Gogo now has more than 1,150 AVANCE L5 and more than 500 AVANCE L3 systems installed and flying.

According to a statement, charter operations are back at nearly 100%, with activity online and megabytes consumed increased dramatically. Seventy-eight per cent of those who suspended their service have unsuspended and 92% of those who downgraded plans have either returned to their original plan or upgraded to a higher plan. Combined, 75% of those who had suspended or downgraded their plan have moved back to their original plan or upgraded.

“From an operational standpoint, like everyone else, we had to make some significant modifications to adjust to the pandemic, and we did that fairly quickly,” Aguirre continued. “We have not missed a single delivery on new equipment or on any repairs during the pandemic. Our people really rose to that challenge, and we continued to innovate.”

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